CSI: NY: Unusual Suspects
German title: CSI: NY: Bauchschuss
Original title: CSI: NY: Unusual Suspects
Alternative titles:
CSI: NY: Bauchschuß
Crime series – USA
Production year: 2009
Movie length: 45 minutes
Director: Marshall Adams
Movie description:
A teen is critically injured after being shot in an alleyway. The victim’s younger brother witnessed the crime, but he cannot give an accurate description of the incident and shooter to the police.
When Mac and Aubrey come across the scene of a 14-year-old boy who has been shot in front of his 12-year-old brother, it takes Mac’s drive for justice to another level.
Boy Actors
Bridger Zadina(Nicky Harris)
Birthday: 23.03.1994
Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
Birthday: 07.10.1997
Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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